DNA Skin Test + Online Training

$ 129.00

Sign up for the DNA Skin test & online training, and become a certified DNA Skin test practitioner, joining our global network of preferred providers for this first-of-a-kind genetic test.

DNA Skin is a genetic test, designed to help you better understand the functioning of key biological pathways that influences your skin, and how these relate to the health of your skin as a whole.

Modules Included: 

• An overview of the science, personalised healthcare, and gene-environment interactions in the context of skin health.

• Biological areas included in DNA Skin: The relevance to major skin concerns, the genes and gene variants involved, the evidence-based, targeted interventions to support each biological area - including diet, nutraceutical, lifestyle, and topical support. 

• DNA Skin case studies: real-world examples. 

• You will also gain access to supporting scientific literature that is provided as recommended reading per module, and downloadable slides in pdf format. Test your knowledge of the material by completing the multiple-choice questions at the end of each module.

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